AMOCO offers safe and easy-to-understand financial options for A-ZONE members ages 18 and under to help them with every step of their financial journey. Here are a few ways we can help:

1A membership account belonging to a minor must be opened in person and requires a joint or multiple party ownership with a qualified owner who is at least 18 years of age, who shall be primarily liable to the credit union. 2Checking account is available for minors between the ages of 12-17 with eligible I.D.

Direct Deposit

Direct your salary, pension, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), tax refunds, and other regular monthly income to your AMOCO checking or savings account electronically. You can set up direct deposit by providing the following information to your employer, investment company, or any agency you would like.

Here’s what you'll need:

Step one

AMOCO FCU's Routing Number: 313189391

Step Two

After you've opened an account, you will need a 10-digit number which will be your member number, including a leading zero, and your account suffix (usually 10 for savings and 20 for checking). Ex. Member 1234567 going to checking would like 0123456720.

Step three

AMOCO FCU's mailing address: PO Box 889, Texas City, TX 77592

Direct Deposit

Another membership benefit means that members who use AMOCO for their direct deposit could get paid up to one day early. Please note, electronic deposits may vary based on your employer’s payroll date.